Intranet technology

Portal or CMS? Social media or none? Commercial or open-source? What is the best technology for your intranet?

Choosing the right technology for your intranet is difficult, to say the least. In fact, it can be downright daunting without help or prior experience doing it. There are thousands of solutions to choose from, and each has pros and cons.

It’s easy to default to Microsoft SharePoint, particularly if you’re already a Windows and Office customer. But it’s not cheap, nor is SharePoint particularly specialized. You could look at IBM, but what if you’re a .NET organization? Oracle has products that work in both .NET and Java, but they’re expensive and lag far behind Microsoft and IBM in features, function, and market penetration.

Content management systems are helpful for those publishing a lot of marketing and communications content, but they come in so many different flavours and prices that it’s difficult to accurately weigh the pros and cons of so many.

Two articles help explain the options available, and a more in-depth look can be garnered from a new white paper, Choosing An Intranet Technology Platform:

If you still want to learn more then perhaps view the slides of my webinar, Choosing an Intranet Technology Platform.

You can also replay the full video and audio of the webinar from the Prescient Digital Media website.

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